Preventive Care

Keep Your Pet Healthy with Regular Wellness Care

What does preventive care include?

Preventive care includes everything you and your veterinarian do to maintain your pet’s overall well-being. Some examples include:

  • Routine wellness checks
  • Regular vaccinations
  • Proper nutrition
  • Good oral hygiene (including yearly dental cleanings)
  • Heartworm preventatives
  • Spay/neuter
  • Age-related conditions
  • Flea and tick prevention
  • Mental and physical stimulation, and much more.
Preventive care

Routine Wellness Exams

Routine visits to your veterinarian are one of the most critical components of staying on top of your pet's health. The goal is to prevent problems before they start or detect and treat them before they become serious. A wellness check or annual exam is like a physical for your pet. It usually includes a complete physical exam (checking your pet’s temperature, heartbeat, skin and coat, eyes, ears and nose, weight, and teeth and gums), and necessary vaccinations; and may also include bloodwork, heartworm, and urine and fecal testing.

While annual wellness exams are often standard, all pets can benefit from semi-annual wellness exams. Senior pets in particular should consider going twice a year. It's the best way to ensure your pet's long-term health and happiness. New pets require a lot of care, so let us make it easy for you. Book a checkup with your veterinarian at Nebel St. Animal Hospital today!

Women looking at her puppy


Keeping your pet up to date on their vaccinations is a key component of being a responsible pet parent.

Vaccinating your pet can save them from illness and disease and even prevent them from passing certain diseases to humans. They can set your pet up for a long, healthy life. While vaccinations are a personal choice, the team at our boulder veterinary hospital is ready to work with you to set up a vaccination schedule that’s best for your pet. For pet vaccinations in Rockville, we have you covered!

These life-saving injections are painless, and most pets don’t even notice they’re getting them. Vaccinations should start as early as 6-8 weeks with puppies and kittens when they’re most vulnerable to illness and disease. Call now to book an appointment.

Dog in grass

Flea & Tick Prevention

When it comes to protecting your pet from fleas & ticks, prevention is key.

Prevention is the best form of treatment when it comes to fleas and ticks. Fleas can lay millions of eggs in their lifetime, causing infestations to get out of hand quickly, and these small parasites can cause big health problems, such as severe allergic reactions, bacterial disease, tapeworm, Lyme disease, paralysis and more. While fleas and ticks are more prevalent in warmer months, they still pose risks year-round. Look out for warning signs, such as itchy skin, hair/fur loss, rash, and tiny black specks on the skin.

Keep your pet happy and healthy by scheduling an appointment with our veterinary team to discuss all of the flea and tick preventive medications available.

cat and dog playing

Preventive care isn’t just important – it’s essential to your pet’s entire well-being and to your peace of mind. It can help avoid health issues, and it also can catch early signs of serious conditions and even life-threatening illnesses. Nipping health problems in the bud, or even better, preventing them entirely is the way to go.

happy dog

For all your furry loved one’s wellness care needs in the Rockville, Kensington, Bethesda areas, trust in the compassionate team at Nebel St. Animal Hospital. We’re dedicated to ensuring your best friend is in tip-top shape for years to come. Give us a call to schedule your pet’s preventive wellness care visit.